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Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Davy should be arriving soon so I am going to officially slow down and enjoy this special/crazy time.  I will post a pic and updates of how we are doing once he is here...thank you so much for your support and prayers! And don't hesitate to contact me if you are needing any P + P Services!  I may be on "maternity leave" but I'm sure I'l still be up for doing a little bit of work in between feedings and diaper changes! 

I'll leave you with these sweet pictures by the super talented and incredibly genuine photographer, Candace Chaney.  She came to our home and captured the last few days when it was just "us three" (plus Dixie and Gracie of course).  I didn't want to do maternity pictures, but hormones took over and I decided I needed a few "Mae Mae loving on the belly" pics just to remember this time.  I couldn't be more grateful for Candace's God given gift and am looking forward to our birth day and newborn session with her!   

 Mae Mae got pretty fussy during the shoot, so I gave her the toothbrush (her most favorite thing in the world) and we were able to finish without any tears...

Mae Mae, we have enjoyed these past 15 months with you more than you can ever know.  Thank you for teaching us how to be parents and how to love unconditionally.  You are the greatest gift from God and I can't wait to watch you become a big sister.  We loved you first and will love you forever!  

Thanks again Candace for capturing the last few days of "just us three".

 P + P 

P.S. Check out Candace's Photography and Personal Blogs.  Both are very inspiring!!! 


  1. These are the MOST beautiful pics. I love seeing my friend with such a fun, sweet, silly, HAPPY family. And attractive would also be another adjective we could use here. So excited to meet Davy, Em.

  2. Soooo sweet! Thinking of you and the whole fam!
