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Thursday, August 1, 2013

What is Pad + Party?

Hi Everyone!
Welcome to Pad + Party!!!  I thought I'd start the first blog post off by introducing myself and the business.  My name is Emilie and I live in Louisiana with my husband David, daughter Mae Mae and two crazy labs, Dixie and Gracie.  Right now the hubby is totally outnumbered with a house full of 4 girls, but Baby Davy will be here in just a few short weeks, so we are all a little extra excited around here!  Not sure why I decided to launch a business during my third trimester, but this has been something I've been thinking/dreaming/praying about for a long time and it just took a few extra nesting hormones for me to kick it into gear.

The Girls...Dixie, Mae Mae and Gracie

So what is P + P?  In it's most simple form, it is a concierge service.  Think about when you go to a hotel in an unfamiliar city, if you haven't had time to do hours of research or ask for reviews from friends, you will most likely dial up the concierge and rely on them for their best recommendations.  A good concierge can get you into the best restaurants, hook you up with the most fun tours and give you the highlights of a city all in one phone call.  Well I want to be your concierge to a stylish life!  P + P is focused on making all the daily details beautiful, unique and simple, but most importantly catered to your style and budget!  I want to help you find exactly what you are looking for whether it be fresh pillows for your lonely couch, a fun tablescape for your next soiree, or the perfect gift for your favorite graduate.  At P + P, no detail is too small and no project is too overwhelming!  Please check out to learn more about our services including e-design and e-events!

Why P + P? Besides spending time with my family and friends, 2 of my most favorite things in the world are interior design and party planning.  (And I get it honest, my mother is my number one design and party planning idol, and it has been her style that has influenced me the you Mama!)  After remodeling and decorating the last two homes our family has lived in, I began helping friends with their homes.  I am a little obsessed with interior design because I have seen what a positive difference it has made in my life and those around me.  When a space is well decorated, it just makes the world a better place!  I want all my clients to feel happy, safe, cozy, and inspired when they spend time in their home.  Likewise I think parties are the best way to share all those special moments in life and when you get the chance to let loose and celebrate, a well planned fiesta is something you and your guests will remember and cherish forever!  And as I'm sure you can guess, I take gift-giving very seriously too.

What can you expect to see on the P + P blog?
Inspiration, Tutorials, DIY projects, Before and Afters, lots of Parties Pics, Client Work, Gift Guides, Trip Guides, Recipes, Guest Bloggers, and Fun Features like "She Get it from Her Mama", "Diaperbag Diaries", "Etsy Expert" and "My Top Ten".

How can I help you?  
P + P is officially open for business and is accepting clients NOW!  Use promotional code "CRAZYPREGNANTLADY" to receive 50% off your first service!  Please check out the website for more information 

I'll leave you with a sneak peak from a recent P + P Event "Bachelorette on the Bay" ...all the pics will be featured on the blog next week, so stay tuned!!! (Spoiler Alert...they're already on the website)

P + P


  1. Are you willing to drive to Oklahoma to visit me and Marshall and make our house as cute as yours?? ;) just kidding! This is such a cute idea! Can't wait to follow your posts!

    Love, Amanda

    P.S. Please include pics of Mae Mae because she makes absolutely everything even cuter.

  2. Thanks Amanda!!! And yes I would totally come to OK lol, just probably not in the next few months :) And don't worry it'll be baby pic overload over here...I cant stop taking's impossible. Hope y'all are doing well and that we get to see you soon!!! Thanks for following :)
