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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

P+P Particulars: Halloween Costumes

I'm obsessed with Halloween and it's all my parent's fault.  Between my mom's intense passion for costumes and my Dad's mad face painting skills, I was always the kid that went totally overboard on October 31st.  My mom started helping us plan our very excessive and almost always bizarre costumes starting early in September.  After school, we would make multiple trips to professional costume shops, thrift stores, and I even have a memory of going to the Men's Warehouse to buy a suit so that I could transform into a legit Frankenstein.  And to make matters worse, she always fixed the same meal every year, which happens to be one of my very favorites, Frito Chili Pie...all that plus the chance to score pounds of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and it's not hard to see why it was my favorite night of the year.

Me Circa 1996...just precious, right? HA! check out the hiking boots!?!?!

Anyway I hope to pass my love of Halloween down to Mae Mae and soon to Davy.  So of course I've been planning their costumes for the past few months.  In the process, I have come across some of the best sites the web has to offer for making your little one's Halloween dreams (or your crazy stage mom aspirations) come true and thought I'd share them with you! 

This Etsy shop specializes in food related costumes, and aren't they so yummy cute?!


Chasing Fireflies has great Halloween accessories as well!  
Check out the cute lightening bug flashlight, pumpkin mary janes and pjs!


PB Kids updated their entire costume line and it couldn't be sweeter! 


I love the bunting sack costumes from, they are the perfect newborn costume!

I still haven't decided what the babes will be this year, but am hoping to close the deal soon!  I want them to match, but I just haven't been able to commit to a theme.  Hopefully once I meet the little man, something magical will pop into my head and Halloween 2013 will be saved!  HA!  Or maybe they can just be Baby Frankensteins...

P + P

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